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Mobile website builder service

Please fill in the fields that have a (*) next to them. You can leave any fields that you don't understand but the more info we have the faster we can help you with your custom quote and get you mobile-friendly compliant.

First Name(*)
Please type your full name.

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Please enter a valid email address.

All free e-mail users (e.g AOL/MSN/HOTMAIL) are requested to give us an alternative e-mail address. These servers sometimes block mail from address not in the your address book or delete mail as spam. Please add to your address book and provide an alternate e-mail address to ensure we can help you as efficiently as possible

Alternate Email
Please enter a valid email address

Skype ID:
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Billing Address(*)
Invalid Input

Business type(*)

You must select a business type

Company Name(*)
Invalid Input

VAT number ( EU countries)
Invalid Input

Invalid telephone number. Use the following format: +123-456-7890 where +123 is your particular country code.


Where did you hear about us? eg. Friend, Google search, other website etc.
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Please select your industry
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Describe your organization's services or products(*)
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Is there anything in particular about the navigation of your desktop site that you do, or do not want reflected in your mobile version?
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Keep in mind that we recommend having an absolute maximum of 1 sub-level of navigation, to ensure the simplest user experience possible.

Existing Website address
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Your existing mobile domain name, if you have one (e.g.
Invalid Input

Target launch date for the mobile website:

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If you have a set budget for the mobile site, please let us know
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Strategic Considerations

In order of priority, please list the three most important business objectives that you want your mobile site to achieve (e.g. drive foot traffic into a store, drive leads via calls or emails, drive views of an important portfolio or project, etc.)(*)
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Are there any specific promotions that are not currently on your desktop website that you want to highlight on your mobile website?
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Visual Design Information

Upload the logo file from your computer
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Choose your preferred font-family, which renders well across all mobile devices.(*)

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Are there particular images from your desktop version that you want highlighted in the mobile-friendly version? Please provide the URL’s of where these images are located
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Navigation Design

Please list the pages from your desktop site that you would like specifically highlighted in your mobile website, including any sub-domains. Hint: If you’re running Google Analytics, you should consider choosing your top ranked pages.
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Do you want to offer users the ability to navigate to your desktop version from your mobile site?(*)
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Do you have a preference for horizontal or vertical navigation menus?(*)

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Functionality Information

Which of the following plugins are essential for your mobile site?(*)

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Is there anything else you would like to communicate to our designers?
Invalid Input

Send the form and wait to be contacted

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 You don't need a PayPal account to pay using your Credit Card

Login Form

Contact us for a login for the client's area.